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Swim Test Information


  To limit excessive rescues involving weak/non swimmers in higher risk areas such as the deep end, slides, and diving boards. This swim test was implemented as a form of insurance for both patrons, and staff. 

  After being in effect for just one summer, we only performed 6 active rescues.... throughout the entire Summer of 2022! Our staff is happy to discuss the positive impact that this policy has had on our facility, as well as the increased sense of safety, and undeniable role it plays in our daily operations. 

  We do, however recognize that it may be an initial stressor for children upon arrival, to be asked to complete a swim test. We recommend that you and your child get some practice before taking the test, such as: practice jumping in, treading, swimming front crawl, and just being IN the water beforehand. 

Age Requirement

Swimmers ages 13 years old, or younger must participate in a swim test, before entering the water. If, however, your child is fairly young, or would like to opt out of said swim test altogether, they may do. If they are opting out of the swim test, they will need to acquire a red wristband from the staff in concessions, to ensure that our staff does not confuse them with those who have yet to take said swim test. 

Additional Information

  Once an individual has completed a swim test, they do not need to retest during every Open swim, as we put all kiddos on a master list. Simply have a Lifeguard in Concessions look up your name, and they will grab your wristband for the day!

- Those under 13 are permitted only 1 swim test every 24 hours. Absolutely no retesting until then, for ANY reason. 

  Lifeguards reserve the right to ask any individual, of ANY age, to complete a swim test if they feel uncertain about an individual's swimming ability. 

  We will not retest anyone due to siblings, or friends having obtained differing wristband access. 

 **Red and Yellow wristbands are NOTHING to be ashamed of! Swimming is a tough skill to learn, hence why so many kiddos (and adults!), are in swim lessons! **


  1. Enter water by jumping in feet first - without use of ladder, parent, or wall.
  2. Tread water for 30 seconds - must keep chin and head above water the entire time.
  3. Transition from treading water, to a back float for 15 seconds.
  4. Swim using front crawl, freestyle, or breaststroke for distance indicated by Lifeguard issuing swim test. Front crawl must be on top layer of water, not an underwater glide, or extended time underneath surface. 

Test Objectives

Green: Swimmer performs all skills without struggle, needing a resting period, or assistance from a lifeguard, or guardian. 

What it looks like

  • Jumps into water without hesitation, or coaxing from others. 
  • Able to tread water -  without their face/ head bobbing and out of water, needing assistance, or a break.
  • Able to transition into a back float, and stay afloat for 15 seconds, without assistance.
  • Able to effectively swim front crawl to designated spot - without needing assistance, or a break.
  • Ability to exit pool using using ladder - without assistance. 

Test Objectives

Yellow: Swimmer performs each skill, but with a noticeable level of difficulty, or hesitation, ultimately making Lifeguard/ test administrator uneasy. 

What it looks like

  • Jumps into water- but clearly hesitates, or is extremely cautious about entering water.
  • Quickly becomes fatigued, as well as head bobbing in and out of water, during treading, and is unable to complete 30 seconds.
  • Is unable to stay afloat on back for full 15 seconds - grabs for wall, needs assistance, or resting period to continue.
  • Swims length designated by test administrator - but is visible struggling throughout, stops part way, grabs for wall, needs assistance, using a form of doggy paddle due to lack of endurance. 

Test Objectives

Red: Swimmer is unable to perform ALL required skills. They become quickly fatigued, are visibly wary of deeper section, need multiple resting periods, and assistance from Lifeguard or guardian. 

What it looks like

  • Refusal to jump / ease into water, and needs continued coaxing and assistance from Lifeguard or guardian upon entry. 

  • Unable to tread water using arms and legs - head and face continually bobbing in and out, water entering one or both airways, quickly fatigued, needs resting period, grabs for wall, ends up needing assistance from Lifeguard or guardian. 

  • Unable to transition into a back float, or is unable to *stay* afloat for 15 seconds, without body sinking or constantly moving to maintain buoyancy. 

  • Unable to complete front crawl to spot designated by Lifeguard/ test administrator. Needs multiple resting periods, grabs for wall, needs assistance from Lifeguard/ guardian, lacks endurance, using doggy paddling/ panicked form of forward movement to complete test. 

  • Fails to independently exit the pool, needs assistance due to exhaustion. 

Wristband Access

Green: Those who earn a green wristband on their first attempt, have access to all areas, including: Deep end, diving boards, and slides. 

Yellow: Those who earn a yellow wristband on their first attempt, are able to use double slides (with NO assistance/catching/flotation device), shallow end, and Kiddie pool.   

Red: Those who have been issued a red wristband on their first attempt, can only use the shallow end, and Kiddie Pool. Must also be accompanied by a guardian, or sibling with a GREEN wristband, AT ALL TIMES. 

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