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Alcohol Catering Permit

The City of Meridian requires an Alcohol Beverage Catering Permit for events where Alcohol (Beer, Wine and/or Liquor) is sold or served in a publicly accessible location (Not a private residence), which does not hold a City of Meridian Alcohol Beverage License.

Meridian City Code 3-2-6 (Alcohol Beverage Catering Permit) and Meridian City Code 3-2-7(A) (Open Container in Public) regulate the sale/service/consumption of alcohol on a non-licensed premise. A violation of either of these codes is a misdemeanor and may be considered for prosecution.

An Alcohol Catering Permit, has a fee ($20.00/per day), requires an application deadline (3 business days prior to the beginning of the event), and set a limit for consecutive alcohol catering permit use per event (up to 5 days).

In compliance with Idaho Code Section 23-934A, City of Meridian requires the following before approval of an Alcohol Catering Permit:

  1. A reasonable estimate of the expected attendance per event.
  2. Review by the Meridian Fire and Police Department.

Upon approval, the City Clerk will issue the permit to the applicant and submit record of the approved permit to Alcohol Beverage Control. A copy of the approved permit must remain onsite for duration of event.

Alcohol Catering Permit

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I don’t have a license to serve or sell alcohol with the State of Idaho, can I get a alcohol catering permit on my own?
A: No, a fully licensed alcohol establishment must apply for an alcohol catering permit and provide a copy of their state license. The licensed alcohol establishment does not have to be a Meridian business. (**see Parks exception below)

Q: Do I need a catering permit if it’s a private wedding party at an event center or park?
A: Yes, not only does the state and city require a catering permit but most venues require it as well (including parks). **The Parks and Recreation Department allow applicants to bring their own alcohol in WITH a Parks Shelter reservation, which can be obtained thru the Parks and Recreation Reservation online portal.

Q: Do I need a catering permit if it’s a private wedding party at home?
A. No, unless the alcohol is being sold to the guests no permit is required.

Q: If a winery is providing free samples at an event, do I need a catering permit?
A: Yes/No, If wine will be sold by the bottle or by the glass at said event, a catering permit is required, however, if wine will ONLY be provided as a tasting and no other sales/service; a catering permit is not required.

Q: If my function is completely supporting a non-profit entity do I need a City Alcohol Catering Permit?
A: Not necessarily? Refer to Alcohol Beverage Control regarding Non-Profit Alcohol Catering Permit. If you qualify under ABC requirements, you do not need an additional Alcohol Catering Permit from the City of Meridian.

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